IC 5070 with HH555 (Cyg)

IC 5070 with HH555 (Cyg)

Click on the image for a larger version

Date/Site: 24. July 2015, AAR-observatory in Presberg
Hα: 6 x 600 seconds (-20°C)
Camera: QSI 632 mit SBIG and Baader-Filtern,
Guiding off-axis mit Lodestar
40cm f5 Newton on AP1200,
Focusing with MicroTouch and FocusMax,
automatic image acquisition with CCD-Commander and MaximDL 6,
calibration: MaximDL 6,
processing in PixInsight 1.8

With this Hα-image I wanted to show the Herbig-Haro-Object 555 in the Pelican-Nebula. The "elephant-trunk" with its fine bright jets on its narrow end is quite prominent.
This is an earlier version shot in Southern Tyrole:

IC 5070, Pelikan-Nebula in the Swan

Click on the image for a larger version

Date/Site: August 23th, 2011, Rifugio Monte Muro, Maurerberg, Southern Tyrol
Hα: 10 x 600 seconds (-15°C), Astronomik 13nm Hα-filter
Camera: SBIG ST10XME, CFW9 with SBIG LRGB-filters, AO-8
6"-Newton on Gemini 41 Observatory mount, RCC1 Coma-corrector
Focusing with Robofocus
Calibration, alignment and stacking: MaximDL 5.01,
Levels and curves: Photoshop CS

A still earlier Version with the 300D:

IC 5060, Pelican-Nebula (Cyg)

Click on the image for a larger version

Date/Site: September 12.–13., 2007, Rifugio Monte Muro, Maurerberg, Southern Tyrol
12 x 10 minutes
Camera: Canon EOS 300Da
6"-Newton on Gemini 41 Observatory mount, Baader-coma-corrector
focusing with RoboFocus and DSLR Focus
webcam-guiding with MaximDSLR through 4"-FH-refractor
Darks: Fitswork,
aligning and stacking: MaximDSLR,
levels and curves: Photoshop CS


© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024