NGC 6888 (Cyg)

Click on the image for a larger version
Date/Site: |
4. July 2014, AAR-observatory in Presberg |
Filter: |
RGB: all 3 x 300 seconds
Hα, O3: all 3 x 600 seconds (-20°C) |
Camera: |
QSI 632 with SBIG and Baader-filters,
Guiding off-axis with Lodestar |
Instrument: |
40cm f5 Newton on AP1200 |
Focusing with MicroTouch and FocusMax,
image acquisition: CCD-Commander and MaximDL 5,
calibration: MaximDL 5,
processing: PixInsight 1.8 |
This was the first time a sequence with the 40cm-Newton could be completed in one night. Exposures were all quite short. Nevertheless no denoising was done.
The O3-frames were shot in the beginning dawn.
This is an earlier image shot in Southern Tyrole during a Föhnstorm:
NGC 6888, Crescent-Nebula (Cyg)

Click on the image for a larger version
Date/Site: |
August 10., 2007, Rifugio Monte Muro, Maurerberg, Southern Tyrol |
Filter: |
13 x 6 minutes |
Camera: |
Canon EOS 300Da |
Instrument: |
6"-Newton on Gemini 41 Observatory mount, Baader-coma-corrector |
focusing with RoboFocus and DSLR Focus |
webcam-guiding with MaximDSLR through 4"-FH-refractor |
Darks: Fitswork,
aligning and stacking: MaximDSLR,
levels and curves: Photoshop CS |
© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision: 09.12.2024