NGC 3239 (Leo), Arp 263

Click on the image for a larger version
Date/Site: |
March 28, 2016, AAR-observatory in Presberg |
Filter: |
LRGB: all 3 x 5 minutes (-20°C),
L(Chi) = L+R+G+B |
Camera: |
QSI 632 with SBIG- and Baader-Filtern
off-axis-guiding with Lodestar |
Instrument: |
10" f4-Newton on 10Micron GM 1000 HPS, RCC1 Coma-corrector |
Focusing with Robofocus and FocusMax,
automatic image acquisition with CCD-Commander and MaximDL 6,
calibration: MaximDL 6, processing in PixInsight 1.8 |
Rick Johnson is an incredibly productive photographer, who posts his images almost daily on the american forum Cloudy Nights. He is in his eighties now, but still every posting is a complete lecture with well researched and detailed information about the featured object. Mostly the always very interesting objects are rarely or never imaged by other amateurs.
Rick works with 3.5 meters focal length, so most of these objects are not very well suited for my instruments. He presented this highly distorted galaxy as well; one meter focal length is not really perfect for it, but as the White Elephant was out of order and you never know if the weather will allow another shot at the object during the season, the 10" had to make it.
© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision: 09.12.2024