NGC 2359 (CMa)

NGC 2359 (CMa)

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Date/Site: 3. Februaryy 2014, Astrofarm at the Hacienda los Andes, Chile
BR: each 5 x 600 seconds,
G: 6 x 600 seconds (-20°C)
Camera: SBIG STL11000 with Astronomik type II-filters
Astro-Physics 175mm f/8 StarFire EDF triplet refractor with flattener on AP1200 GTO
Guiding: Lodestar attached to a 61mm-finder,
focusing: Robofocus and FocusMax,
image acquisition: CCD-Commander and MaximDL 5,
calibration and processing: PixInsight 1.8

Only during my last observing night in Chile guiding-issues ruined several of the frames for NGC 2359. I used the wrong parameters for the guidingstars in CCD-Commander. So in the field of view in the middle of the milkyway the Lodestar found mostly saturated stars, unsuitable for guiding. And the star chosen in the end was too weak. I had to scrap quite a lot of frames and the night was advanced. And for the first time I had chosen relatively short exposures, as I wanted to get more frames ... Still I am quite happy with the result.

© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024