NGC 1333 mit HH7/11 (Per)

Click on the image for a larger version
Date/Site: |
5. December 2015, AAR-observatory in Presberg |
Filter: |
R: 5 x 600 seconds,
G and B: each 3 x 600 seconds (-20°C) |
Camera: |
QSI 632 with SBIG- and Baader-filters,
off-axis-guiding with Lodestar |
Instrument: |
40cm f5 Newton on AP1200, |
Fokussierung mit MicroTouch and FocusMax,
Steuerung mit CCD-Commander and MaximDL 6,
Kalibration: MaximDL 6,
processing with PixInsight 1.8 |
This object was presented quite often in the forums during the winter of 2015 and so I had to take a shot too without knowing what to expect with my instrument. Hα is not really needed on this dark nebula and reflection nebula. Red dominates anyway; particularly the Herbig-Haro-objekts HH 7-11 (right) and HH 12 are conspicuous. The brownish variable reflection nebula GN 03.25.6 can be seen at the top of the image.
I hope to add some frames in the future, there is not enough signal to show the dark nebula Barnard 205 in the left part of the frame better.
© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision: 09.12.2024