Leo II (Leo), aka PGC 34176

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Date/Site: |
10. and 11. February 2022. Remote observatory on the AAR club's site in Presberg |
Filter: |
R: 24 x 300 seconds,
B: 15 x 300 seconds,
G: 23 x 300 seconds,
L: 45 x 300 seconds (-20°C) |
Camera: |
Moravian G3-16200 with Astronomik Type II-filters |
Instrument: |
250mm f/4,7 Newton with VIP-3010 Paracorr on 10Micron GM1000 HPS |
Guiding: ASI120 attached to a 61mm-finder,
focusing: Microtouch and FocusMax,
data acquired remotely using CCD-Commander, PHD_Broker with PHD2/multistar-guiding and MaximDL 6,
processing: MaximDL 6 and PixInsight 1.8 |
For many years the struggle goes on to get a decent image of this dwarf spheroidal galaxy. It didn't get easier this time.
Leo II or PGC 34176 doesn't contain any material to build new stars and therefore no HII-regions. It rather looks like a loose globular cluster.
Leo II (Leo)

Click on the image for a larger version
Date/Site: |
March 29th, 2011, AAR-observatory in Presberg |
Filter: |
L: 6 x 600 seconds (-15°C) |
Camera: |
SBIG ST10XME, CFW9 with SBIG LRGB-filters, AO-8 |
Instrument: |
26cm-Newton on Gemini 41 Observatory |
Calibration and deblooming: MaximDL 5,
processing in PixInsight 1.7 |
Only the luminance frames were used because of mediocre guiding and not fitting flats. And the focussing was bad.
© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision: 09.12.2024