Gegenschein, Lange Rhön

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Date/Site: |
October 11., 2015, Lange Rhön, parking area „Schwarzes Moor“ |
Filter: |
12 x 24 seconds |
Camera: |
Canon 6D at ISO 3.200, 20mm f2.2 |
Fixed camera,
calibration and processing with PixInsight 1.8 |
Sometime in the middle of an observing night in the Dark-Sky-Park Rhön together with Horia and Ben I noticed the elusive glow of the Gegenschein. My camera leisurely imaging the sky immediately was pointed at the new target and a longer sequence was started.
The image shows the Gegenschein surrounded by trees within the autumnal constellations Pegasus, Pisces and Cetus, Andromeda with M31, Triangulum with M33, and Taurus with the Pleiades emerging from behind the trees.
The Gegenschein belongs to the zodiacal light. This is created by scattering and reflecting of solar light by dust particles floating in the ecliptic plane. The Gegenschein is centered on the antisolar point where solar light is reflected and backscattered most effectively and where the band of the zodiacal light appears a bit brighter.
© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision: 09.12.2024