DoubleShooter on AP Mach1

For the 2015 trip to the Hacienda Horia and I needed an additional challenge.
On a 3" Losmandy-style dovetail plate we mounted two cameras equipped with matching telephoto lenses in order to image the same field of view simultaneously: An astromodified Canon 1000D would take colour-images with a Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 II lens while a QSI 632ws-8-CCD-camera with a Mamiya 150mm f/2.8 lens would take Hα and OIII frames.

Between the cameras we mounted a 60mm Baader Vario-Finder, fitted with a Lodestar-camera for guiding. The CCD-System would be focused with a Robofocus-motor using a motor belt, controlled by FocusMax.
The 12 Volt power supply was made easy and foolproof using Anderson PowerPoles and a powered 12-Volt-USB-Hub bundled up the data cables; so a quite minimalistic cabling resulted.
Daniel provided his AP Mach1, pole aligned and ready to go, on which we mounted the DoubleShooter with a 3" Baader clamp.

Control over Horia's meticulously planned imaging- and focusing-sequences was thought to happen automatically via CCD Commander, MaximDL, FocusMax and the EOS-utilities/AutoIt so that we could observe the southern skies undisturbed close by with Horia's 10"-Dobson.
The hardware worked flawless.
But the software played tricks with us during the long preparation and even during the first nights in Chile. So we switched to plan B (Nebulosity with PHD-guiding), which worked but made a lot of manual labour necessary.
This labour was done mainly by Horia: slewing to the planned objects, framing, controlling the focusing and orchestrating the imaging sequences.
So the visual exploration with his 10"-Dobson got the shorter end.
© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision: 08.01.2017