CG4 (Pup)

CG4 (Pup)

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Date/Site: March 16., 17. and 18., 2015, Astrofarm at the Hacienda los Andes, Chile
R: 13 x 600 seconds
G: 15 x 600 seconds
B: 12 x 600 seconds (all -20°C)
Camera: FLI PL29050 with Astrodon II-filters
Astro-Physics 305mm f/3.8 Riccardi-Honders on AP1200 GTO
Guiding: Lodestar attached to a 61mm-finder,
focusing: FLI Atlas and FocusMax,
image acquisition: MaximDL 5,
calibration: MaximDL, processing: PixInsight 1.8

Image acquisition was often plagued by thin clouds drifting through the field of view. Of the 55 frames I had to sort out 6 blue, 4 green and 5 red frames, ruined by haloes and softening.
In the left upper corner of the image some obscure lightsource left a mark I could not eliminate with my processing skills. I didn't want to "paint" either, so it stays there as a reminder to do it better next time.
The globule makes a lovely duo with the spiral galaxy ESO 257-19.

© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024