NGC 1499 (Per)

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Date/Site: |
September 16th, 2012, Garden of the Old Cafe Fischer of Hannes and Roswitha Schedler in Altaussee |
Filter: |
Hα: 6 x 600 seconds (-20°C) |
Camera: |
SBIG ST10XME, CFW9 with Baader 7nm-filter |
Instrument: |
Tak FSQ-85mm/450mm on AP400 |
Calibration: MaximDL 5,
processing: PixInsight 1.7 and Photoshop |
The picture shows the improvements in processing of the data in comparison to the earlier attempts:
California-nebula in H-alpha

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California-nebula in Schwarz-Weiß

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Date/Site: |
December 29., 2008, AAR-observatory in Presberg |
Filter: |
Hα (13nm): 10 x 15 minutes (-30°C)
L: 6 x 10 minutes (-30°C) |
Camera: |
SBIG ST10XME, motorized Atik-filterwheel with Astronomik-RGB-filters |
Instrument: |
4"-TMB-refractor on the Gemini 41 Field mount of the AAR |
focusing by hand with the aid of MaximDL 4.6 |
Deblooming, darks, alignment and stacking: MaximDL,
levels and curves: Photoshop CS |
Remarks: good tranparency, almost no wind, -7°C, imaged together with Tobbe Konz.
California-nebula, H-alpha combined with color data of a DSLR-image

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California-nebula, luminance combined with color data of a DSLR-image

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These pictures document an attempt to combine the H-alpha- and the luminance frames with the color information of the 2007 DSLR-image to get a LRGB – in my opinion with very mixed success.
How those astrofoto-wizards get a proper color balance eludes me.
It can be seen clearly how the difference in focus-geometry of refractor and mirror prevent a perfect alignment of the images.
And here the same object with the 300D and the 6".
NGC 1499, California-Nebula (Per)

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Date/Site: |
September 14., 2007, Rifugio Monte Muro, Maurerberg, Southern Tyrol |
Filter: |
10 x 5 minutes |
Camera: |
Canon EOS 300Da |
Instrument: |
6"-Newton on Gemini 41 Observatory mount, Baader-coma-corrector |
focusing with RoboFocus and DSLR Focus |
webcam-guiding with MaximDSLR through 4"-FH-refractor |
Darks: Fitswork,
aligning and stacking: Regim,
levels and curves: Photoshop CS |