NGC 891 (And)

NGC 891 (And)

Click on the image for a larger version

Date/Site: 30. January 2022, AAR-observatory in Presberg
16 x 300 seconds, (-10°C)
Camera: ASI2600MC-Pro
400mm f/5 Newton with Baader RCC1 on AP1200 GTO
Off-Axis-Guiding with Lodestar,
focusing with Microtouch,
data acquired remotely using Sequence Generator Pro,
calibration and processing: PixInsight 1.8

Sometimes I use the 400mm f/5 Newton (aka „The White Elephant“) to shoot an image via remote-control. Because of its sheer size it is possible to get a deep and detailed image fast. This galaxy is one of the most beautiful edge-on galaxies.
And of course I imaged this object earlier with different equipment:

NGC 891 (And)

Click on the image for a larger version

Date/Site: September 23th, 2011, AAR-observatory in Presberg
RGB: each channel 6 x 600 seconds (-15°C)
Camera: SBIG ST10XME, CFW9 with SBIG LRGB-filters, AO-8, RCC1 coma-corrector
26cm-Newton (ground by Tomas Heising) on AP1200
Darks, flats, deblooming, alignment and stacking: MaximDL 5,
Levels and curves: Photoshop CS3.

First light of the AP1200.

© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024