NGC 6781 (Aql)

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Date/Site: |
5. September 2024, e-EyE |
Filter: |
R: 6 x 180 seconds,
G: 6 x 180 seconds,
B: 4 x 180 seconds,
L: 11 x 180 seconds,
Hα: 13 x 300 seconds,
O3: 13 x 300 seconds (-5°C) |
Instrument: |
ASI 2600MM Pro with Astronomik Type 2c-filter on 400mm f/5 Newton with 2" TS Comacorrector on AP1200 GTO |
Data acquired remotely using N.I.N.A.,
Off-Axis-Guiding with ASI120,
Focusing with Microtouch,
Calibration with MaximDL 6, processing in PixInsight 1.8 |
In spite of the rather short exposure time the planetary nebula NGC 6781 in the constellation eagle looks quite well.
The (starless) narrowband data were added to the RGB-channels, Hα to red, O3 to green and to blue.
The new data made a difference compared to the labour to process the data of the same object several years ago with totally different equipment.
NGC 6781 (Aql)

Click on the image for a larger version
Date/Site: |
August 18th, 2010, AAR-observatory in Presberg |
Filter: |
R: 8 x 300 seconds, G: 12 x 300 seconds, B: 6 x 300 seconds (-15°C) |
Camera: |
SBIG ST10XME, CFW9 with SBIG LRGB-filters, AO-8, RCC1 Coma-corrector |
Instrument: |
26cm-Newton on Gemini 41 Observatory |
Focusing with Robofocus |
Darks, flats, deblooming, alignment and stacking: MaximDL 5,
Levels and curves: Photoshop CS3. |
Somehow off the beaten path the planetary nebula NGC 6781 lies in Aquila, the eagle. For this picture only RGB-frames were used. Instead of green I should have used the time for red and blue frames.