NGC 4945 (Cen)

NGC 4945 (Cen)

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Date/Site: March 20., 2015, Astrofarm at the Hacienda los Andes, Chile
R: 12 x 600 seconds
G: 12 x 600 seconds
B: 17 x 600 seconds (-30°C)
Camera: FLI PL16803 with Astrodon II-filters
TEC 500mm f/9 RC on AP1600 GTO
Guiding: Lodestar on MOAG,
focusing: FLI Atlas and FocusMax,
image acquisition: MaximDL 5,
calibration: MaximDL, processing: PixInsight 1.8

This edge-on-galaxy in Centaurus shines near the plane of the milkyway and is reddened strongly by interstellar dust.
During acquisition of several of the blue frames clouds drifted through the field of view, so the brighter stars got haloes.

© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024