NGC 457 (Cas)

NGC 457 (Cas)

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Date/Site: 24. September 2023. Remote observatory on the AAR club's site in Presberg
RGB: 75 x 300 seconds (-10°C)
Touptek 294CP on 150mm f/5 Newton with 2" Skywatcher Comacorrector
Data acquired remotely with N.I.N.A.,
Guiding: ASI120 attached to a 61mm-finder,
Focusing with Microtouch,
Calibration and processing: PixInsight 1.8

The larger of the open clusters shown here, NGC 457, is called the Owl-cluster because of the two visually very prominent stars. In fact the eyes, wings and claws of an owl can be seen with a bit of imagination. Smaller and denser NGC 436 is a pretty counterpart.

© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024