NGC 2841 (UMa)

NGC 2841 (UMa)

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Date/Site: January 6., 2010, AAR-observatory in Presberg
L 8 x 5 minutes (-25°C), Astronomik IR-Block-Filter
Camera: SBIG ST10XME, motorized Atik filterwheel
26 cm-Newton on Gemini 41 Observatory
Focusing with Robofocus
Darks, flats, deblooming, alignment and stacking: MaximDL,
Levels and curves: Photoshop CS.

Several of the subframes were affected by clouds. The glow in the right-hand corner of the frame is from a 6.2 mag star just outside the field.
Near NGC 2841 lies HD80606 (the lower star of the double in the left of the frame). HD80606 is orbited by a very interesting exoplanet.

© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024