NGC 2634 (Cam)

Click on the image for a larger version
Date/Site: |
28. Februar bis 15. März 2023. Remote observatory on the AAR club's site in Presberg |
Filter: |
RGB: 226 x 120 seconds (-10°C),
L: 94 x 300 seconds (-20°C) |
Instrument: |
Touptek 294CP on 150mm f/5 Newton with 2" Skywatcher Comacorrector,
Moravian G3-16200 with VIP-3010 Paracorr on 10Micron GM1000 HPS |
Data acquired remotely with N.I.N.A.,
Guiding: ASI120 attached to a 61mm-finder,
Focusing with Microtouch,
Calibration and processing: MaximDL 6 and PixInsight 1.8 |
Unpectacular as the constellation of Camelopardalis (giraffe) appears to the unaided eye, so spectacular the surroundings of the galaxygroup around NGC 2634 look. It is full of swaths of IFN (Integrated Flux Nebula).
I am not sure wether the glow in the lower right corner is real signal or an artifact of unknown origin.
The image was created during the initial stages of the switch to the „dual rig“ and to N.I.N.A., with all experiments and findings coming along. And of course there was a lot to learn in the process of working with data of a colour astro-camera. The integration of the different data-sets of both cameras was comparatively staightforward due to some clever functions and scripts in Pixinsight.
In 2020 I imaged this group (then with the QSI) already:
NGC 2634 (Cam), 2020

Click on the image for a larger version
Date/Site: |
13. and 19. April 2020. Remote observatory on the AAR club's site in Presberg |
Filters: |
R: 24 x 180 seconds,
G: 23 x 180 seconds,
B: 15 x 180 seconds,
L: 30 x 180 seconds (-20°C) |
Camera: |
QSI 632 with Astronomik Type II-filters |
Instrument: |
250mm f/4 Newton with Baader RCC1 on 10Micron GM1000 HPS |
Guiding: Lodestar attached to a 61mm-finder,
focusing: Microtouch and FocusMax,
data acquired remotely using CCD-Commander and MaximDL 6,
calibration and processing: PixInsight 1.8 |
A lot of integrated flux nebula (IFN) is visible.
© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision: 09.12.2024