M92 (Her)

M92 (Her)

Click on the image for a larger version

Date/Site: 31. August, 1., 3. and 4. September 2024, e-EyE
R: 18 x 300 seconds
G: 19 x 300 seconds
B: 15 x 300 seconds
L: 21 x 300 seconds (-5°C)
ASI 2600MM Pro with Astronomik Type 2c-filter on 400mm f/5 Newton with 2" TS Comacorrector on AP1200 GTO
Data acquired remotely using N.I.N.A.,
Off-Axis-Guiding with ASI120,
Focusing with Microtouch,
Calibration with MaximDL 6, processing in PixInsight 1.8

This quite imperfect image of M92 is the „First Light“ of the White Elephant from its new location in the Spanish Extremadura.

© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024