M16 (Ser)

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Date/Site: |
23., 28. and 29. Juli, 4. Juli 2024. Remote observatory on the AAR club's site in Presberg |
Filter: |
R: 9 x 180 seconds
G: 9 x 180 seconds
B: 8 x 180 seconds
Hα: 18 x 300 seconds
O3: 16 x 300 seconds (-20°C) |
Instrument: |
ASI 2600MM Pro with Astronomik Type 2c-Filtern on 150mm f/5 Newton with 2" TS Comacorrector on 10Micron GM1000 HPS |
Data acquired remotely using N.I.N.A.,
Guiding: ASI120 attached to a 61mm-finder,
Focusing with Microtouch,
Calibration with MaximDL 6, processing in PixInsight 1.8 |
M16 is quite low in Presberg. As a test of the new ASI 2600MM Pro I imaged the nebula on the 6"-Newton.
To avoid the wall covering the telescope aperture I had only a small window of opportunity during the culmination of the nebula.
Following the modified bicolor technique by Cannistra and Wechselberger by combining starless Hα- and OIII-frames for a synthetic green channel a pseudo-RGB-colour version was created. Then RGB-stars were added.
The starless version shows the structures in the inner part of the nebula quite well.
M16 (Ser) starless

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© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision: 09.12.2024