M13 (Her)

M13 (Her)

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Date/Site: 29. May 2020, AAR-observatory in Presberg
10 x 300 seconds (-5°C)
Camera: ASI071MC-Pro
400mm f/5 Newton with 2"-Paracorr on AP1200
Guiding: Lodestar and OAG,
focusing: Microtouch,
data acquired using SGPro,
no calibration, processing: PixInsight 1.8

We wanted to see how a new CMOS-colour-camera with an APSC-chip performs in combination with the 40cm-Newton and a 2"-corrector.
The technology of these new cameras is really impressive, there is almost no noise.
Also interesting is the comparison with the image done some days before with the QSI 632 and my 25cm-Newton.

© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024