Gegenschein, Waw an Namus

Gegenschein, Waw an Namus

Click on the image for a larger version

Date/Site: March 29., 2006, at the Waw an Namus, Libyan Sahara
3 x 10 minutes
800 ASA
Camera: Canon EOS 300D
Kit-lens, 27mm f5,6, Purus-clockwork-mount
focusing by hand through a right angle viewer of the camera
New version:
Darks and stacking: DeepSkyStacker,
levels and curves: Photoshop CS3

The Gegenschein in the antisolar point in the night after the solar eclipse.
The dark shadow at the right is my tent.

Gegenschein at the Waw an Namus, Libyan Sahara, old version

Click on the image for a larger version

Old version:
Darks and stacking: FitsWork,
levels and curves: Photoshop CS


© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024