IC 1396 (Cep)

IC 1396 (Cep)

Click on the image for a larger version

Date/Site: September 12., 2007, Rifugio Monte Muro, Maurerberg, Southern Tyrol
65 minutes
Camera: Praktika, 200 ASA Kodak slide film
180 mm Zeiss Sonnar, stopped down to f4,5; piggyback on Gemini 41 Observatory mount
webcam-guiding with MaximDSLR through 4"-FH-refractor
Scanned, levels and curves in Photoshop CS

Embedded in the glow of IC 1396 lies reddish My Cephei while west of both lies crescent-shaped Sharpless 2-129.

© Friedhelm Hübner, last revision:  09.12.2024